27 January 2021
Passcode 981814
Europe/Zurich timezone


Systems - status and objectives

27 Jan 2021, 13:45
Zoom ID 978 8271 5777 (Passcode 981814)

Zoom ID 978 8271 5777

Passcode 981814



Systems - status and objectives

  • Florian Löhl

Systems - status and objectives

  • Luc Patthey (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Tine Celcer (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 13:50
27/01/2021, 14:15
Paolo Craievich, Zheqiao Geng (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 14:30
Gian Luca Orlandi (Paul Scherrer Institut), Rasmus Ischebeck (Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 14:40
Boris Keil (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 15:05
Alexandre Trisorio (Paul Scherrer Institut), Steven Johnson (Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 15:15
Cezary Sydlo (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 15:35
Dr Marco Calvi (Paul Scherrer Institut)
27/01/2021, 15:45
Building timetable...