PSI MX Samples Symposium

WHGA/001 (PSI)



Paul Scherrer Institut, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 PSI-Villigen, Switzerland
John Henry Beale (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

The purpose of this symposium is create a forum to discuss different experiences with MX data collection methods from the point of view of the sample. The symposium will bring together scientists from both the facility and laboratory side to talk about current problems and future developments with regard to MX samples. The subject of the talks will not focus on biology questions, but rather the methods, triumphs, and disasters associated with modern MX techniques.

The principal focus of the symposium will be towards conducting serial crystallography experiments at the SLS and SwissFEL.

At the end, there will be some time for a joint discussion to reflect upon the talks and communicate some ideas for the future.

Registration Form
    • 1
      Speaker: John Beale (PSI)
    • 2
      In meso in situ sample preparation and data collection
      Speaker: Chia-Ying Huang (PSI)
    • 3
      Early impressions on the FFCS screening platform: Development of fragment screening viable crystal systems for two very distinguishedly crystallising homologues
      Speaker: Dennis Stegmann (Universität Hohenheim)
    • 10:45 AM
    • 4
      Sample preparation for serial crystallography
      Speaker: John Beale (PSI)
    • 5
      "Crystallophore" a Molecular Glue to Address Two Major Bottlenecks in Protein Crystallography
      Speaker: Sylvain Engilberge (PSI)
    • 11:55 AM
    • 6
      Viscous sample extrusion for serial crystallography at SwissFEL
      Speaker: Daniel James (PSI)
    • 7
      Multipurpose crystallisation plate for serial crystallography
      Speaker: Michal Kepa (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 8
      Preparation and sample delivery of soluble protein crystals for time-resolved serial crystallography studies
      Speaker: Maximilian Wranik (PSI)
    • 2:15 PM
    • 9
      VESPA – Versatile Endstation for Serial Protein Applications
      Speaker: Florian Dworkowski (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 10
      MX on Cristallina
      Speaker: John Beale (PSI)
    • 11
      No Pain, No Gain. – A Journey from Protein Sample to Crystal Delivery for Serial Crystallography Experiments
      Speaker: Antonia Furrer (PSI)
    • Discussion