Moniek Tromp
(Technische Universität München, Catalysis Research Center, Chemistry, Characterisation in Catalysis)
18/09/2013, 10:45
invited talk
Strong efforts in both industry and academia are directed towards energy research, i.e. the generation of energy from new and clean sources as well as generally working towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly processes, in a wide range of applications. New and more knowledge is required on all levels, i.e. fundamental insights in materials and mechanisms as well as societal...
Andrea Bianchi
(Université de Montréal)
18/09/2013, 11:15
invited talk
We present thermodynamic and magnetic properties, as well as muSR spectroscopy results of a new organic magnet which is built from molecules in the nitronyl nitroxide family of free radicals. NIT-2Py exhibits a complex magnetic phase diagram at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. Susceptibility measurements at high temperatures show the paramagnetism of a free spin 1/2 with...
Uwe Bergmann
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
18/09/2013, 11:45
invited talk
With ultrashort and ultrabright x-ray pulses X-ray Free electron lasers provide revolutionary unique new capabilities to study a wide range of phenomena. The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC has been the first of such machines delivering x-rays to users in the 280 eV to 11 keV range. LCLS is just about to finish the first four years of operations and we will review some of the most...
J. Friso van der Veen
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
18/09/2013, 14:30
Matti van Schooneveld
(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany)
18/09/2013, 14:45
invited talk
Metals, metal oxides (as well as sulfides, carbides, etcetera) and metal complexes play a big role in nanotechnology and catalysis. In most reactions that make use of a metal catalyst, many different chemical forms of the metal entity exist and it is often unclear what the active site is that performs the catalytic conversion of reactants. In my thesis-work[1-5] I did not try to identify such...
Peter Ulmer
(Department of Earth Sciences / ETH Zurich)
18/09/2013, 15:15
invited talk
The possibility of gas to be removed from magma during its rise to the surface decreases the probability of an explosive volcanic eruption to occur. In this respect, bubble coalescence and the achievement of a permeable network play a pivotal role in favoring magma degassing and limiting the explosivity of eruptions. Significant growth and interaction between bubbles occur in natural volcanic...
Jonathan White
(Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, Paul Scherrer Institut)
18/09/2013, 17:00
invited talk
Skyrmions are topologically protected magnetic spin vortices that form a hexagonal 2D lattice arrangement in non-centrosymmetric magnets. Until last year, skyrmions had been observed only in metallic and semiconducting chiral-cubic B20 compounds where, in MnSi in particular, it was shown that skyrmions can also be manipulated by conduction electrons. The recent discovery of a skyrmion lattice...