September 5, 2022
Paul Scherrer Institute
Europe/Zurich timezone


Visualising amyloid deposits by X-rays and electrons

Chaired by Henning Stahlberg, EPFL
Sep 5, 2022, 10:30 AM
The education center, SZ-OSGA/EG06 (Paul Scherrer Institute)

The education center, SZ-OSGA/EG06

Paul Scherrer Institute


10:30-11:00 Peter Faller (University of Strasbourg, EPR & X-ray),
Copper bound to amyloid-beta: from structure and reactivity insights to its targeting as therapeutic approach
11:00-11:20 Armin Kleibert (PSI, SIM beamline, photo-emission electron microscopy)
Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy for nanoscale chemical characterization at the SIM Beamline of the SLS
11:20-11:40 Rebecca Sternke-Hoffmann (PSI,BIO)
Alanine switches the protein crystal formation to the amyloid fibril formation

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Armin Kleibert (PSI, SIM beamline, photo-emission electron microscopy)
9/5/22, 11:00 AM
Rebecca Sternke-Hoffmann (PSI, BIO Department)
9/5/22, 11:20 AM
Building timetable...