vasse laurent
06/07/2012, 11:00
Direct detection area detectors for storage rings
The imXPAD company was launched in May 2010 for the design and fabrication of “XPAD” hybrid pixel detectors. The company is now producing different sizes of XPAD silicon detectors, from 7.5 x 1.5 cm2 to 15 x 15 cm2. Number of detectors have already been delivered to synchrotrons (SOLEIL, ESRF, ALBA,…) and laboratories (CRM2 Nancy France, ECP Paris France, Xenocs Grenoble France…). Special...
David Pennicard
06/07/2012, 11:10
Direct detection area detectors for storage rings
Single-photon-counting pixel detectors are the cutting-edge technology in a range of scattering and imaging experiments at synchrotrons. The Medipix3 readout chip has a number of novel features that are attractive for synchrotron experiments: a high frame rate with zero dead time, high spatial resolution, and a “charge summing” feature that can improve image quality.
Using this readout...
Hidenori Toyokawa
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
06/07/2012, 11:35
Direct detection area detectors for storage rings
This study describes CdTe pixel and strip detector developments for high energy X-ray diffraction experiments at SPring-8. Pixel-readout ASICs (SP8-01 and SP8-02) have been developed for the pixel detector, where each pixel has a preamplifier, a shaper, a window comparator, and a 20-bit counter. The analog circuit was characterized with a fast setting of 100 nsec and a dynamic range from 10...
Teddy Loeliger
(Dectris Ltd.)
06/07/2012, 12:00
Direct detection area detectors for storage rings
A novel photon counting method for non-paralyzable counting and its implementation in the new PILATUS3 ASIC are presented. Pulse pile-up significantly affects the observed count rate at high photon fluxes in single-photon counting x-ray detectors and can lead to complete paralyzation of the counting circuit. In PILATUS single-photon counting hybrid-pixel x-ray detectors, count rate correction...