23–24 May 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Robotic Solutions for Maintenance and Quality Assurance

23 May 2023, 14:30
774/R-013 (CERN)




Luca Rosario Buonocore (CERN)


To decrease human exposure to hazards in hostile environments, Remote Handling (RH) tasks ― the action of using a mechatronic device to execute remote-controlled operations ― are needed. At CERN, the BE-CEM group is responsible for planning and safely performing RH operations for remote maintenance. Based on the feedback retrieved by the many remote robotic interventions done on the field during the last years, a code of practice framework for remote maintenance has been created to assist design engineers with guidelines to be followed for machine components design to ensure compatibility with remote interventions. Such best practices can be applied also outside CERN, indeed to any environment where robots must dynamically interact with a known and designable environment. This talk will present the status of these best practises and will highlight how they can be applied to new installations at CERN.

Presentation materials