Digital LEAPS - Androids for remote access
The League of the European Accelerator based Photon Sources (LEAPS) promotes the digitalisation of its analytical research infrastructures under the project Digital LEAPS, approved by the LEAPS general assembly in 2021. This initiative aims to enhance the reliability and the quality of the photon beam for science. Among the different directions, the working package 3.4 will establish collaborations and synergies in the field of robotic solutions for particle accelerators operation and maintenance. This workshop is organised with the collaboration of CERN and it starts a series of initiative to fulfil the mentioned goals.
The objectives of the workshop are :
- A summary document with the status of the robotic activities at the LEAPS laboratories.
- Define the requirements for robots accessibility for remote operation and maintenance in light sources (Synchrotron and FELs).
- Establish collaboration(s) between LEAPS laboratories and CERN in the form of memorandum of understanding
- Proposal of a working group between European particle accelerators to establish best practice for remote maintenance to improve machines’ availability and safety
Workshop organising committee :
Rainer Wanzenberg - DESY
Mario Di Castro - CERN
Marco Calvi - PSI