Analysis discussion meeting


New 56Co source --> Aim for ~20 kBq in the week of 09/09
Found veto without hole, but some work remains to be done
Arrangements for setup space in the experimental hall --> Andreas will take care of the needed equipment
Action on Ge transport from Munich


Input config file for analyzer --> If you don't use it, command stays the same

Old online display still works --> Can do some basic stuff on there, but not perfect



Doing updates on the mux-daq pc

Some issues with the remote server

Will be at PSI next week and the second week of September for mu3e and quartet



4 detectors from Leuven still coming --> 3 not in the neutron field from MIXE

One detector with reset preamp, should work with electronics for the SDD

MIXE colleagues are helping us with the sources


War War:

Targets have been prepared

Silicon samples have arrived at PSI



New support plate --> Should be ready for Marie and Michael to take it to PSI
Screws for target holder --> Comment Thomas: Take different length screws as tollerance
Target holders have been made
Geant4 stopping depth agrees very well with SRIM
Optimization of array --> Check slides for details

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:15
      Update Michael 15m
      Speaker: Michael Heines (KU Leuven)
    • 09:15 09:30
      Update Marie 15m
      Speaker: Marie Deseyn (KU Leuven)