Analysis discussion meeting



All detectors are in PSI

3 of the Leuven detectors will only be used for ReferenceRadii



MC tests of effect from HFS on centroid --> Statistically insignificant in my tests (<100 meV for the edges of the 2 sigma interval)

Comment Ben --> What about off-diagonal elements, do they shift?    Response: Let's try to evaluate and add as a systematic

It doesn't make sense to fit with HFS, remain with just FS and quote centre of gravity energy



Solved a big part of the 3 GB issue on the mux-daq



Target holders have been made

Minor adjustments to target disks needed --> By the time of this writing it is already done


War War:

One of the Si targets that was damaged before transport has gotten a bit more damaged. Claudia asked to make a plastic ring to protect it in shipping back



Detector transport from Munich did not go so well, driver was rude and didn't seem to handle the equipment with care --> Contacted the company to prevent this in the future



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:15
      Update Michael 15m
      Speaker: Michael Heines (KU Leuven)
    • 09:15 09:30
      Update Marie 15m
      Speaker: Marie Deseyn (KU Leuven)