Oct 19 – 23, 2014
Bregenz, Austria
Europe/Zurich timezone

Presentations Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Session 9 - Wednesday, October 22, 2014

SHORT, Michael Examination of issues involved when using ion irradiation to simulate void swelling and microstructural stability of ferritic-martensitic alloys in spallation environments
SLUGEN, Vladimir Experimental studies of irradiated and hydrogen implantation damaged reactor steels
YUAN, Daqing Radiation Damage and Synergistic Effect in CLAM Steel
KRSJAK, Pavel Investigation of microstructure changes in EUROFER ODS after hydrogen loading
VOYEVODIN, Victor Influence of displacement damage on deuterium and helium retention in austenitic and ferritic/martensitic steels

Session 10 - Wednesday, October 22, 2014

VIEH, Christiane The hardening effect of He-bubbles in F82H irradiated in the Swiss spallation neutron source
SATO, Koichi Defect Structures of F82H and T91 Irradiated at SINQ Using Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
KRSJAK, Vladimir Summary of the recent positron annihilation experiments on STIP samples
YIN, Wen Helium behaviors in tantalum

Session 11 - Wednesday, October 22, 2014

KONSTANTINOVIC, Milan Comparison of the mechanical properties of T91 steel from the MEGAPIE, LEXUR and TWIN-ASTIR irradiation programs
SAITO, Shigeru Post irradiation examination of the MEGAPIE samples at JAEA
SALEH, Tarik A.  Irradiated T91 Testing from the MEGAPIE
DAI, Yong Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor
for Indus trial Demonstrat ion
AERTS Alexander Current Understanding of Polonium Evaporation from Irradiated Lead-Bismuth Eutectic