First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Abu Khalid | Rivai | National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia |
Adrian | Fabich | CERN |
Alessandro | Gessi | ENEA |
alessandro | marino | sck-cen |
Alexander | Aerts | SCK-CEN |
Antonio | Perillo-Marcone | CERN |
Bernard | Riemer | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Bingsheng | Li | Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Christiane | Vieh | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Daqing | Yuan | China Institute of Atomic Energy |
David | Jenkins | ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
David | McClintock | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Eric | Pitcher | European Spallation Source ESS AB |
Frank | Garner | Radiation effects Consulting |
Fujio | MAEKAWA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Hongen | Ge | Paul Scherrer Institut |
James | Stubbins | University of Illinois |
Jana | Fetzer | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Jean | HENRY | CEA |
Jemila | Habainy | Lund University |
jingping | xin | Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS |
Jingyi | Shi | University of Science and Technology of China |
Karel | Samec | CERN |
kenji | kikuchi | Ibaraki University |
Kirill | Makhov | Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University |
Knud | Thomsen | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Koichi | Sato | Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University |
Kun | Wang | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Kurt | Clausen | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Lei | Peng | University of Science and Technology of China |
Leslie | Jones | ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Louis | Mansur | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
Marco | Calviani | CERN |
Masatoshi | Futakawa | J-PARC |
Michael | Wohlmuther | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Milan | Konstantinovic | Belgian nuclear institute, SCK.CEN |
NARIAKI | OKUBO | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Ningbo | Sun | University of Science and Technology Beijing |
Olga | Emelyanova | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) |
Olha | Yeliseyeva | Physical-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine |
ottone | caretta | RAL - STFC |
Peter | Stronciwilk | FZJ |
Qiu | Xu | Research reactor Institute, Kyoto University |
Quan | Ji | China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),Dongguan |
Renate | Bercher | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Ruiqiang | ZHANG | China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),Dongguan |
Shengyun | Zhu | China Institute of Atomic Energy |
Shigeru | Saito | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Shin-ichiro | Meigo | JAEA |
Shunsuke | Makimura | J-PARC, KEK |
Srinivasan | Iyengar | Lund University |
Stuart | Maloy | LANL |
Takashi | Naoe | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Tarik | Saleh | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Tielong | Shen | Paul Scherrer Institute |
Toshiyuki | Ogasawara | Osaka Prefecture University |
Tristan | Davenne | RAL |
Valentyn | Tsisar | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Victor | Voyevodin | Kharkov Insitute of Physics and Technology |
Vladimir | Krsjak | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Vladimir | Slugen | Slowakische Technische Universität Bratislava |
Wei | Lu | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Wen | Yin | Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science |
Xiaoxin | Zhang | Institute of Nuclear Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing |
Gong | Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN) | |
Xuejun | Jia | Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science |
Yan | Qingzhi | Institute of Nuclear Materials, University of Science & Technology Beijing |
Yannick | Bessler | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
Yong | Dai | Paul Scherrer Institut |
Yongjoong | Lee | ESS |
Yoshiaki | Kiyanagi | Nagoya University |
Zhizhong | Jiang | Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS • FDS Team |
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