Participants have to cover their full expenses. A registration fee will be required. Additionally, the costs for the workshop dinner on Thursday, 1st September 2011 and the welcome reception on Monday, 29th August, will be requested in advance.
The costs are the following:
till 30.6.2011 after 30.6.2011
Registration fee 100 CHF 130 CHF
Welcome reception 50 CHF 50 CHF
Workshop dinner 150 CHF 150 CHF
Please, transfer the contribution to the following bank account:
Raiffeisenbank Böttstein
5314 Kleindöttingen
account number: 63912.55
BLZ 80652
IBAN: CH93 8065 2000 0063 9125 5
Account holder: Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI
Very important:
Please indicate your Name and the word ERAWAST workshop on the transfer form. Without this information we cannot assign the transfer.