Oct 3 – 7, 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone
EPICS Collaboration Meeting fall 2011

Beam-synchronous DAQ at SwissFEL test injector

Oct 6, 2011, 2:15 PM
WHGA/001 (Auditorium)



Paul Scherrer Institute


Mr Babak Kalantari (Paul Scherrer Institut)


This talk gives an overview of the beam-synchronous data acquisition at SwissFEL injector test facility which is required for on-demand data collection to do correlation studies. I will show how we have achieved synchronous collection of the acquired data (EPICS channels) across separated IOCs with asistance of the event timing system and by using "only" the statndard EPICS records (no custom record/device support). The mechansim has been built into a generic IOC software application package which can be installed on any IOC equipped with an event receiver and and allows runtime configuration of most of parameters including channels to be collected etc.

Primary author

Mr Babak Kalantari (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation materials