Elise Wursten
(KU Leuven)
For more than fifty years physicists have tried to measure the electric dipole moment of the
neutron (nEDM). The limit on the nEDM has become smaller and smaller, but at present
its value remains consistent with zero. However, the Standard Model of particle physics
predicts a small non-zero value, as do the various extensions of the Standard Model. The
predictions span several orders of magnitude, making the measurement of the nEDM an
excellent probe for beyond Standard Model physics. Additionally, the T- and P-violation
that a non-zero nEDM would imply, could shed some light on the origin of the baryon
asymmetry that is observed in our universe.
Presently, our international collaboration is running the world's most sensitive nEDM
experiment at the ultra cold neutron source of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). In this talk
I will give a general overview of the experimental technique, discuss recent improvements
insensitivity and elaborate on advances in our understanding of systematic effects.
Primary author
Elise Wursten
(KU Leuven)