Oct 16 – 20, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

The calibration methods for the MEG experiment and its upgrade

Oct 18, 2016, 6:20 PM


Angela Papa (Paul Scherrer Institute)


The MEG experiment has recently established the most stringent upper limit on the branching fraction of the mu -> e gamma decay (< 4.2 x 10e-13 at 90% C.L.). It is a factor 30 improvement over the previous limit set by the MEGA experiment and also the strongest bound on any forbidden decay particle. An upgrade of the experiment is ongoing aiming at a better sensitivity by an order of magnitude. One of the key elements to achieve a such as ambitious goal is to continuously and carefully calibrate and monitor each sub-detector. The main calibration and monitoring methods for the MEG experiment and its upgrade will be presented.

Primary author

Angela Papa (Paul Scherrer Institute)

Presentation materials