Peter Koss
(KU Leuven)
10/18/16, 5:41โฏPM
Searches for permanent electric dipole moments
A permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) would be a source of CP violation and could shed some light on beyond standard model physics (BSM). Such BSM models predict an nEDM in the range 10-27 โ 10-29 e cm while the standard model prediction is much lower (around 10-31 e cm). The search for an nEDM and the setting of new limits on its value is done with the Ramsey method of time...
Noah Birge
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
10/18/16, 5:42โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
Neutron $\beta$-decay experiments provide access to important parameters of the Standard Model and are also sensitive to new physics Beyond the Standard Model. Modern neutron decay experiments aim to measure decay correlation parameters with a high sensitivity and therefore require very precise particle detection in either energy, time-of-flight, or both. The Nab experiment, which is under...
Shinji Ogawa
(The University of Tokyo)
10/18/16, 5:43โฏPM
The MEG II experiment is an upgrade of the MEG experiment to search for the
charged lepton flavor violating decay of muon, $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ \gamma
$. The performance of the liquid xenon (LXe) ฮณ-ray detector will be greatly
improved with a highly granular scintillation readout realized by replacing
216 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) on the ฮณ-ray entrance face with 4092 Mult
Kei Ieki
(University of Tokyo)
10/18/16, 5:44โฏPM
The MEG II experiment is an upgraded experiment of MEG at PSI. MEG II aims to search the cLFV decay $\mu \to e + \gamma$ with one order of magnitude better sensitivity than MEG. Because the sensitivity is strongly affected by the accidental backgrounds, the resolutions of the detectors must be improved in MEG II.
The energy resolution of the $\gamma$ detector is especially important for the...
Alexandr Kozlinskiy
(Mainz University KPH)
10/18/16, 5:45โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
The Mu3e experiment is designed to search for the lepton flavour violating decay $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+e^-e^+. The first phase of the experiment will be performed at the piE5 beam line at the Paul-Scherrer Institute providing $10^8$ muons per second, allowing to reach the sensitivity of $10^{-15}$. The muons are stopped and decay at rest on a target that is placed inside two double layers of...
(National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/Michigan State University)
10/18/16, 5:46โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
The Fierz interference term constitutes a very sensitive probe to searches for exotic scalar and tensor couplings in beta decay. It can directly be determined through measurements of the beta spectrum shape. To this end, the 6He decay happens to have a similar kinematic sensitivity than neutron decay despite its end-point is 4.5 larger; the electromagnetic and radiative corrections can be...
Gertrud Konrad
(SMI Wien & Atominstitut)
10/18/16, 5:47โฏPM
The New Frontiers Group โNoMoSโ of the Austrian Academy of Sciences aims to search for traces of new physics in neutron beta decay with novel experimental techniques.
Precision measurements in neutron decay allow searching for physics beyond the Standard Model. An accuracy of 1E-4 in the observables corresponds to energy scales of 1 โ 100 TeV for new particles and interactions; far above the...
Elise Wursten
(KU Leuven)
10/18/16, 5:48โฏPM
The neutron Electric Dipole Moment experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute is currently the most sensitive in the world.
One of the main improvements that made this possible is the new algorithm that was developed to optimise the magnetic field.
Using a combination of both offline magnetic field maps and online monitoring with an array of Cs magnetometers, the currents applied to a set of...
Jacek Zejma
(JUC), Dr
Jochen Krempel
(ETH Zรผrich), Mr
Michaล Rawlik
(ETH Zรผrich)
10/18/16, 5:49โฏPM
An upgraded version of the neutron EDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute is in preparation. All systems used in the present experiment version will be designed anew. The data acquisition system must be changed because of higher complexity and assumed better general quality of the whole system. The central part of the DAQ system performs three main tasks: (1) precise timing of the...
Development of a double-cusp trap for ground-state hyperfine spectroscopy of antihydrogen atoms
Naofumi Kuroda
(University of Tokyo)
10/18/16, 5:50โฏPM
The ASACUSA collaboration has developed a scheme for a high precision spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen atoms to test CPT symmetry.
A Rabi-type spectroscopic technique is planned to be utilized with a key apparatus, a cusp trap.
After a successful production of a flow of antihydrogen atoms from the prototype cusp trap, a new novel double-cusp trap has been...
Development of the measurement system toward the electron EDM search with laser cooled Fr atoms
Takeshi Inoue
(Tohoku University)
10/18/16, 5:51โฏPM
The permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) is a suitable observable to test theoretical models beyond the standard model (SM) of particle physics. We plan to search for the electron EDM by using the laser cooled francium (Fr) atoms. The features of the laser cooled Fr atoms are as follows. The Fr atom has the largest enhancement factor of the electron EDM in the alkali atoms. Although the Fr...
Alexander Rischka
(Max-Planck-Insitute fรผr Kernphysik), Ms
Rima Schรผssler
(Max-Planck-Insitute fรผr Kernphysik)
10/18/16, 5:52โฏPM
The high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer PENTATRAP [1] is currently being commissioned at the Max-Planck-Institut fรผr Kernphysik, Heidelberg. It aims at mass-ratio measurements of stable and long lived highly charged ions with a relative uncertainty of below 10-11, a precision so far only achieved for a few relatively light elements [2].
A unique feature of PENTATRAP is the...
Andreas Pichler
(Stefan Meyer Insitute)
10/18/16, 5:53โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
The Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) is the foundation for our understanding of physics where systems of fermions are concerned. Therefore, it is important to make precision tests of the PEP. In a pioneering experiment, Ramberg and Snow supplied an electric current to a Cu target, and searched for PEP violating atomic transitions of the โfresh" electrons from the current. The non-existence of...
Yasuhiro Ueno
(University of Tokyo)
10/18/16, 5:54โฏPM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
Muonium atom is the bound state of a positive muon and an electron. MuSEUM (Muonium Spectroscopy Experiment Using Microwave) collaboration is an international research group for precise determination of the ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of muonium. Since muonium is purely leptonic and free from the finite-size effect of proton, measurement of its hyperfine structure is a good...
Leendert Hayden
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, KU Leuven, Belgium)
10/18/16, 5:55โฏPM
Precise knowledge of the nuclear beta spectrum shape forms a sensitive instrument in the pursuit of Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics. It opens up possibilities for scalar and tensor current searches and allows for a study of nuclear structure dependent effects through the weak magnetism interaction [N. Severijns et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 991 (2006)]. The latter is a contamination of the...
Michaล Rawlik
(ETH Zรผrich), Mr
Nicholas Ayres
(University of Sussex)
10/18/16, 5:56โฏPM
The strong CP problem may be solved by turning the theta parameter into a dynamic field. Excitations of this field are axions, which are also good cold dark matter candidates. The nEDM experiments are sensitive to interactions with a background field of ultralight axions, which would appear as oscillations in the measured neutron electric dipole moment. This analysis presents the first...
Aiko Uchiyama
(Tohoku University)
10/18/16, 5:57โฏPM
The permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of an elementary particle is a good candidate to search for the physics beyond the standard model. Francium (Fr) is a radioactive heavy alkali metal and has a large enhancement factor of the electron EDM. The atomic EDM is measured by comparing the difference in the atomic resonance frequency in an external electric field parallel and anti-parallel to...
Georg Bison
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/18/16, 5:58โฏPM
Experiments searching for the electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) require a stable and homogeneous main magnetic field. Statistical errors in such experiments can be dominated by fluctuating magnetic fields if the relevant magnetic-field parameters cannot be measured with sufficient precision and accuracy. Improvements in nEDM sensitivity are thus not possible without improving the...
Tobias JENKE
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
10/18/16, 5:59โฏPM
Observational cosmology has determined the dark matter and dark energy density parameters to an accuracy of two significant figures. While dark energy explains the accelerated expansion of the universe, dark matter is needed in order to describe the rotation curves of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe. However, the true nature of dark energy and the content of dark matter...
Zachary Donovan Hodge
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/18/16, 6:00โฏPM
The Paul Scherrer Institut will host two next generation charged lepton flavor violation experiments, MEG~II and Mu3e, utilizing the world?s highest intensity continuous muon beams at more than 10$^8$~$\mu^{+}$/s. Critical to these experiments is online monitoring of the muon beam rate and profile throughout data-taking. A novel technique using a 5~$\mu$m luminophore layer of CsI(Tl) deposited...
Elizabeth Mae Scott
(University of Tennessee)
10/18/16, 6:01โฏPM
The Nab experiment aims to measure the neutron beta decay electron-neutrino correlation coefficient "a" and the Fierz interference term "b". Measurement of "a" to a relative uncertainty of $10^{-3}$ provides $ \lambda$, the ratio of axial to vector coupling constant, at roughly the same precision level as the vector coupling determined from the superallowed decays. A measurement of "b" with...
Narongrit Ritjoho
(PhD at Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/18/16, 6:02โฏPM
Muonium is the bound state of an antimuon with an electron (mu+e-). Muonium is an ideal tool to perform precision measurements of fundamental parameters. This poster presents our ideas to develop a high-brightness muonium source at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). The muonium beam will be produced by deflecting a slow, high-brightness muon beam (currently under development by muCool...
Wolfgang Schott
10/18/16, 6:03โฏPM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
We developed fast switchable Bradbury Nielsen gates for the manipulation of low energy protons and hydrogen atoms. Using a system of two coupled gates operated with a variable time delay, we have built an electronic chopper with opening times in the order of 10-500ns. First use of such a system has been a pulsed proton beam of 500 eV energy with a variable energy spread, which is determined by...
Kosuke Sakamoto
(Tohoku University)
10/18/16, 6:04โฏPM
The electron permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) which violates time reversal symmetry is a sensitive tool for exploring the new physics beyond the Standard Model. In order to measure the value precisely, francium atom which has a large enhancement factor of about 900 for the electron EDM is a good candidate. To measure the electron EDM, it is important to have large interaction time...
Tobias Rechberger
(Atominstitut, TU Wien)
10/18/16, 6:05โฏPM
We present the status of gravity resonance spectroscopy (GRS): The neutron serves as a measuring tool and as an object for gravity research. We show that GRS allows to test Newtonโs inverse square law at short distances and to search for dark matter and dark energy candidates. We use a method based on frequency measurements which have shown spectacular sensitivity in the past. Our method also...
Zachary Donovan Hodge
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/18/16, 6:06โฏPM
Parity violating processes are expected in muon interactions with nuclei, with possible new physics contributions dominating, but are as of yet unobserved. The use of muons captured directly into the 2S state of a high Z (\textgreater~30) material and measurement of the 2S$_{1/2}$-1S$_{1/2}$ transition photon angular asymmetry would provide a measurement of any parity violation. As a...
Yannick Ulrich
10/18/16, 6:07โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
Using the amplitude provided by GoSam, a tool for the automated generation of tree level and one-loop amplitudes, fully differential NLO corrections were obtained for the three decay channels of the muon: The conventional or Michel decay $\mu\to\nu\bar\nu e$, the radiative decay $\mu\to\nu\bar\nu e\gamma$ and the rare decay $\mu\to\nu\bar\nu eee$. Especially the latter two are important...
Florence Lenaers
(Universitรฉ de Liรจge)
10/18/16, 6:08โฏPM
Laser cooling and trapping techniques enjoy a solid reputation as powerful and elegant providers of well-localized, backing-free sources. Not only does this hold true within the atomic physics and quantum optics communities, but also beyond. Most notably, these techniques have recently joined the toolbox of low-energy, high-precision tests of the Standard Model. Our work with argon falls...
Jan Peter Karch
(Institute of Physics, University of Mainz)
10/18/16, 6:09โฏPM
The decay of the free neutron into a proton, electron and antineutrino is the prototype of semi-leptonic weak decays and plays a key role in particle physics and astrophysics. The most precise measurement of the neutron lifetime to date use ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) stored in material vessels. Their accuracy is limited by systematic errors, mainly caused by anomalous losses of UCN during...
Romain Maisonobe
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
10/18/16, 6:10โฏPM
The antineutrino-electron angular correlation coefficient a is related to the proton recoil spectrum by kinematics. aSPECT measures the integral proton spectrum using magnetic adiabatic collimation and electrostatic retardation. Data acquisition for a 1% measurement of coefficient a was performed during a beam-time in 2013 at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble.
As protons are emitted at...
Sybille Komposch
10/18/16, 6:11โฏPM
At the Paul Scherrer Institut an international collaboration searches for a permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron, which is a sensitive probe for physics beyond the Standard Model. This experiment requires very sensitive magnetometers to correct for systematic errors related to magnetic field fluctuations. We present progress on a co-magnetometer which detects the spin precession...
Martin Thalhammer
(Atominstitut TU-Wien)
10/18/16, 6:12โฏPM
One class of gravity experiments within the qBounce project focuses on
the realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball, i.e. a measurement of the
time evolution of a neutron bouncing above a horizontal plane.
We have measured, the spatial probability distribution of this Schrรถdinger wave packet for different observation times with a spatial resolution of about 1.8ฮผm.
We illustrate the...
Mustafa MOUMNI
(University of Biskra; Algeria)
10/18/16, 6:13โฏPM
Atomic spectroscopy has evolved considerably in recent years and it is passed from the stage of just a confirmation experiment of atomic theories to that of an indicator for new paths to understand the nature, as has been demonstrated by the results of R. Pohl et al., Nature 466, 213 (2010) and A. Antognini et al., Science 339, 417 (2013). We use the experimental results of the spectroscopy of...
Shao-Feng Ge
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Germany)
10/18/16, 6:14โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
With the 1-3 mixing angle measured at reator neutrino experiments Daya Bay and RENO, there are still three unknown oscillation variables: the neutrino mass hierarchy, the octant of the atmospheric mixing angle, and the leptonic CP phase. Of these three, the CP phase is the most difficult to be measured precisely and important for distinguishing flavor symmetries. I will first review the status...
Tomoya Sato
(Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology; RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science)
10/18/16, 6:15โฏPM
Due to its almost undetectablly small magnitudes predicted from the Standard Model (SM), detection of a non-zero electric dipole moment (EDM) is expected to prove the existence of new physics beyond the SM. Even so, the expected signals for an EDM are extremely small, and thus an elaborate scheme for the suppression of errors in its measurement is essential. As for the atomic EDM of Xe, which...
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham, UK)
10/18/16, 6:16โฏPM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
The NA62 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of charged kaon decays with a highly efficient trigger for decays into electrons in 2007. The kaon beam represents a source of tagged neutral pion decays in vacuum. A measurement of the electromagnetic transition form factor slope of the neutral pion in the time-like region from ~1 million fully reconstructed pi0 Dalitz decay is presented....
Tomoko Ariga
(University of Bern)
10/18/16, 6:17โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
The tau-neutrino CC cross section has never been well measured. There has only been one measurement, by the DONuT experiment, with a systematic uncertainty larger than 50%, mainly due to uncertainties in the Ds differential production cross section in high energy proton interaction. The DsTau collaboration proposes to study tau-neutrino production and the energy distribution by analyzing Ds ->...
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham, UK), Dr
Riccardo Fantechi
(CERN EP and INFN Pisa)
10/18/16, 6:18โฏPM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
The NA48/2 experiment at CERN collected in 2003-2004 a large sample of charged kaon decays with multiple charged particles in the final state.
A new upper limit on the rate of the lepton number violating decay K+- --> pi-+ mu+- mu+- obtained from this sample is reported.
Searches for two-body resonances in the K+- -->pi mu mu decays (including heavy neutral leptons and inflatons) in the...
Angela Papa
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
10/18/16, 6:19โฏPM
The Mu3e Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) detector is a cylindrical time of flight (ToF) device which complements the central silicon tracking system. It consists of a scintillating fibre (SciFi) hodoscope with a radius of 6 cm and a length of 36 cm. The expected time resolution is of several 100 ps and a detection efficiency close to 100% is foreseen. The main purpose of the ToF system is to...
Angela Papa
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
10/18/16, 6:20โฏPM
The MEG experiment has recently established the most stringent upper limit on the branching fraction of the mu -> e gamma decay (< 4.2 x 10e-13 at 90% C.L.). It is a factor 30 improvement over the previous limit set by the MEGA experiment and also the strongest bound on any forbidden decay particle. An upgrade of the experiment is ongoing aiming at a better sensitivity by an order of...
Christian Schmidt
(Institute of Physics, Uni Mainz)
10/18/16, 6:21โฏPM
The aSPECT retardation spectrometer measures the betaโneutrino angular correlation coefficient a in free neutron beta-decay. This measurement can be used to determine the ratio gA/gV of the weak coupling constants, as well as to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
In 2013 aSPECT had a successful beam time at the Institut Laue-Langevin. The goal of this beam time is to improve the...
Alexander Wunderle
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universitรคt Mainz)
10/18/16, 6:22โฏPM
The aSPECT retardation spectrometer measures the beta-neutrino angular correlation coefficient a in free neutron beta decay. This measurement can be used to determine the ratio g_A/g_V of the weak coupling constants, as well as to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
In spring/summer 2013 aSPECT had a successful beam time at the Institut Laue-Langevin. The goal of this beam time is...
Torsten Soldner
(Institut Laue Langevin)
10/18/16, 6:23โฏPM
Pulsed beams have tremendous advantages for precision experiments
with cold neutrons. In order to minimize and measure systematic
effects, they are used at continuous sources in spite of the
related substantial decrease in intensity. At the pulsed neutron
source ESS, such experiments will gain up to a factor of 30 in
event rate, and novel concepts become feasible. Therefore, the
Nicolas Hild,
on behalf of the UCN Team at PSI -
10/18/16, 6:24โฏPM
Ultra-cold Neutrons (UCN) are a very prominent tool in fundamental physics since
they can be stored due to their low kinetic energy below 300 neV. The UCN source at
PSI has been in operation since 2011. Fast neutrons, produced by guiding PSI's high
intensity 590 MeV proton beam on a lead spallation target, are frst thermalized in D2O
and then moderated into the cold regime using solid D2...
Wesley Gohn
(University of Kentucky)
10/18/16, 6:25โฏPM
A new measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_{\mu} \equiv (g-2)/2$, will be performed at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The most recent measurement, performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory from 1999 to 2001, shows a 3.3-3.6 standard deviation discrepancy with the standard model value of $g$-$2$. The new measurement will accumulate 21 times those...
Esben Klinkby
10/18/16, 6:26โฏPM
The design of the neutron moderators for the European Spallation Source, intended to be installed at the start of operations of the facility in 2019 has now been finalized and the moderators are being fabricated.
Among the driving principles in the design have been flexibility for instruments to have access to cold and thermal neutrons with highest possible source brightness.
Naritoshi Kawamura
10/18/16, 6:27โฏPM
Since the first beam in 2008, Muon Facility in J-PARC has been operated, and the surface muon beam intensity
reached at the 3E+6/s, the most intense pulsed muon beam in the world, under 200-kW proton beam.
From the existing 2-cm thick graphite target, four secondary muon beam lines are able to be extracted to the
experimental areas.
Three beam lines were constructed and under...
Romain Virot
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
10/18/16, 6:28โฏPM
Proton spectroscopy in neutron beta decay gives a complementary access to ฮป (ratio of the weak coupling constants g_Aโg_V ) and enables new searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. In experiment, low-energy protons (E_kโค751.4 eV) are usually guided and selected using electromagnetic fields. Precise knowledge of the electrostatic potentials is mandatory as it can drastically bias proton...
Ryoto Iwai
(University of Tokyo)
10/18/16, 6:29โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
abstract is attached
Miki Nishimura
(The University of Tokyo)
10/18/16, 6:30โฏPM
We have developed a positron timing counter (TC) for the MEG II experiment which aims to search for ฮผ+โe+ฮณ decay with the worldโs highest sensitivity.
The TC is segmented into 512 small scintillation counters with 6 SiPMs at the both ends. Since the positron time is measured by several counters (~9 on average), an excellent timing resolution is expected.
We constructed and installed a part...
Niklaus Berger
(Mainz University, Nuclear Physics)
10/18/16, 6:31โฏPM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
The P2 experiment at the new electron accelerator MESA in Mainz aims for a determination of the weak mixing angle at low momentum transfer with unprecedented precision. To this end, the parity violating asymmetry in electron proton scattering is studied with integrating Cherenkov detectors at very high rates of scattered electrons. In order to determine the average momentum transfer and...
Nicholas Christopher
(TRIUMF UCN Collaboration)
10/18/16, 6:32โฏPM
UCN source and nEDM experiment are currently under construction at TRIUMF. This poster presents simulations and development of the Monte Carlo program PENTrack, for the nEDM experiment. The latest modifications of PENTrack make it possible to run full Ramsey cycle simulations. This is an invaluable tool for analyzing the systematic and statistical errors associated with the nEDM experiment....
Felix Anton Berg
10/18/16, 6:33โฏPM
Advanced detector technologies
The detection of events excluded by the Standard Model would be an unambiguous sign of new physics. The MEG Experiment has reached the most stringent upper limit of 4.2 10-13 , in its search for the lepton flavor violating decay mu->e+gamma. The increased beam rate in the MEG-II upgrade experiment requires an improved stopping target. We are investigating the use of a scintillation target,...
Malgorzata Kasprzak
(Kath. Univ. Leuven)
10/18/16, 6:34โฏPM
Searches for permanent electric dipole moments
Precise magnetic field control and monitoring is one of the biggest challenges of all experiments searching for a neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM). In this contribution we describe the way in which the magnetic field is measured by a laser-driven array of Cs magnetometers incorporated in the worldโs most sensitive nEDM experiment at PSI.
Hirohiko Shimizu
(Nagoya University)
10/18/16, 6:35โฏPM
Fundamental physics and precision experiments with muons, pions, neutrons, antiprotons, and other particles
The neutron absorption in eV region is dominated by capture process via
well-resolved compound states. The breaking of the spatial inversion symmetry
is known to be largely enhanced in p-wave compound resonances according
to the interference in the entrance channel between neighboring resonances with
different angular momentum of incident neutrons. The entrance-channel...
Jochen Krempel
(ETH Zรผrich)
10/18/16, 6:36โฏPM
Searches for permanent electric dipole moments
Psychological bias towards (or away from) a prior measurement or a theory prediction is an intrinsic threat to any data analysis. While various methods can be used to avoid the bias (e.g. actively not looking at the result), only data blinding is a traceable and thus trustworthy method to circumvent the bias and to convince the external audience that there is not even an accidental...
Christoph Roick
(TU Muenchen)
10/18/16, 6:37โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
Neutron beta decay is an excellent system to study the charged weak interaction experimentally. The decay is precisely described by theory and unaffected by nuclear structure effects. Observables are numerous correlation coefficients which e.g. relate the spin of the neutron and the momenta of the particles, spectra and the neutron lifetime. Most importantly, precision measurements in...
Frederik Wauters
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universitรคt Mainz)
10/18/16, 6:38โฏPM
Searches for symmetry violations and new forces
Searching for neutral current effects in muonic atoms is an old idea. A muon around a nucleus in the 2S state gets a small parity violating
admixture from the 2P state, which then allows E1-M1 interference in the 2S-1S transition. For nuclei around Z=40, the experimental challenge is to deal with the intense background from nP-1S transitions and electrons from Michel decays. We investigate...
Yury Valdau
(Pax collaboration)
10/18/16, 6:50โฏPM
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
The Universe around us consist mainly of matter although it is assumed that in the Big Bang an equal amount of antimatter has been produced. The Standard Model prediction for the proportion for the number of the baryons and antibaryons differs from the Astrophysical observations by eight orders of magnitude. To explain this phenomenon, which is usually called the Baryon Asymmetry of the...
A.N. Ivanov
(TU Wien)
10/18/16, 6:51โฏPM
Searches for symmetry violations and new forces
We analyse the Einstein--Cartan gravity in its standard form ${\cal R}
= R + {\cal K}^2$, where ${\cal R}$ and $R$ are the Ricci scalar
curvatures in the Einstein--Cartan and Einstein gravity, respectively,
and ${\cal K}^2$ is the quadratic contribution of torsion in terms of
the contorsion tensor ${\cal K}$. We treat torsion as an external (or
a background) field and show that the...
Ivana Belosevich
(Inst. for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich)
10/18/16, 6:57โฏPM
Advanced muon and ultracold neutron sources
We are developing a novel mu+ beamline that reduces the phase space of the input beam by a factor of 10E10 with 10E-3
efficiency. The phase space compression is achieved by stopping mu+ in cryogenic helium gas and applying strong electric and magnetic
fields and gas density gradients. The beamline consists of several consecutive stages, which can be tested individually in the first
Jacob Thorne
(Univ. of Sussex)
10/18/16, 6:58โฏPM
Searches for permanent electric dipole moments
The sensitivity of a nEDM experiment is linearly proportional to the applied electric field strength. It is therefore important to find ways to maximise the electric field strength in nEDM Ramsey chamber. In the current room temperature PSI experiment the applied electric field is partly limited by depolarisation of the mercury co-magnetometer when the electric field is reversed. We are...