15–16 Sept 2011
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Instruments for condensed matter studies at European XFEL and FLASH

16 Sept 2011, 14:30
WSLA/008 (PSI)



Talk XFEL Experiments in Condensed Matter XFEL Experiments in Condensed Matter


Thomas Tschentscher (European XFEL Hamburg)


Updated radiation parameters and beamline layouts for the European XFEL facility under construction in Hamburg, Germany, will be presented. Furthermore, initial thoughts are introduced about the layout of the scientific instruments, with emphasis on applications in condensed-matter. The current status of condensed-matter research at FLASH and the LCLS will be reviewed and an outlook to major areas of application is given. One repeatedly discussed issue is the sample excitation by the intense x-ray FEL pulses, in particular for the high repetition rates available at the European XFEL. Simulation results for various configurations will be discussed.

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XFEL Experiments in Condensed Matter

Primary author

Thomas Tschentscher (European XFEL Hamburg)

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