15–16 Sept 2011
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Extreme UV Interference Lithography of Carbon Nanosheets and Graphene

16 Sept 2011, 13:29
WSLA - Foyer (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland)

WSLA - Foyer

Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland

Board: 97
Poster Poster Session II (Friday) Poster session II and lunch


Mr Andreas Winter (Univesity of Bielefeld)


Two-dimensional (2D) carbon nanomaterials, e.g., graphene, graphene oxide, carbon nanosheets and ultrathin polymeric films have recently received an enormous attention due to their potential for use in electronics, chemical or biological sensors and filters, nanocomposite materials, etc. Most of these applications require lithographic patterning of these 2D carbon materials with the nanoscale resolution. In this respect, Extreme UV Interference Lithography (EUV-IL) opens broad prospects providing the large-scale nanopattering and very high resolution with an ultimate limit in the sub-10 nm range. We employ EUV-IL at the SLS XIL-II beamline to generate nanopatterns (dots, lines and grids) in 1 nm thin supramolecular sheets consisting of aromatic molecular precursors and graphene. We characterize these nanopatterns with a Helium Ion Microscope (HIM) which is sensitive to both topographic and chemical features. Nanopatterns of various geometries in the supported and suspended sheets are demonstrated.

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Nanolithography and advanced imaging of two-dimensinal carbon materials

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Primary authors

Mr Andreas Winter (Univesity of Bielefeld) Dr Andrey Turchanin (University of Bielefeld)


Dr André Beyer (Univesity of Bielefeld) Prof. Armin Gölzhäuser (Univesity of Bielefeld) Michaela Vockenhuber (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Yasin Ekinci (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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