15–16 Sept 2011
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Langevin dynamics and probing the atomic scale

16 Sept 2011, 16:30
WSLA/008 (PSI)



Talk XFEL Experiments in Condensed Matter XFEL Experiments in Condensed Matter


Dr Peter Derlet (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Thermal fluctuations at the atomic scale play a fundamental role in the dynamics of microscopic processes such as magnetism, transport and micro-structural evolution. Langevin dynamics can sometimes provide a description of such phenomenon and its mathematical realization constitutes one example of a stochastic differential equation. In this talk, the Langevin approach is introduced and discussed in the context of the short time and length scales accessible to current and future generation light sources.

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XFEL Experiments in Condensed Matter

Primary author

Dr Peter Derlet (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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