Martin Mansson
(Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich)
The spin-web compound tricopper-tellurate Cu3TeO6, belongs to an intriguing group of materials where the magnetism is governed by 3d9 copper Cu(2+) ions. Cu3TeO6 has been sparsely experimentally studied and in fact only one
published investigation can be found regarding its magnetic properties. However, recently an inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study of the magnon dispersion in Cu3TeO6 was performed at the FOCUS time-of-fight neutron
spectrometer of PSI [Zaharko, unpublished]. Among other interesting findings in the spectrum, a large amount of diffuse scattering appears at T>TN. The origin of this diffuse scattering is far from understood and at present it is not even clear if it is purely magnetically induced or not. It could possibly originate from short-range magnetic order above the transition. Here, we have used the
unique power of muSR to investigate the possible existence of short-range magnetic order above TN for Cu3TeO6. Our results show a clear long-range magnetic order below TN as indicated by clear oscillations in the ZF spectra. At TN=61.7 K a very sharp transition is observed and both wTF and ZF data clearly show that no magnetic order is present above TN
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Multiple order parameter systems
Primary author
Martin Mansson
(Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich)
Daniel Andreica
(Faculty of Physics, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)
Helmuth Berger
(EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
Hubertus Luetkens
(LMU, PSI, Switzerland)
Jun Sugiyama
(Toyota Central Research and Development Labs. Inc., Japan)
Krunoslav Prsa
(Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich)