Heterogenous Catalysis
detailed program
organisation: J. van Bokhoven, M. Nachtegaal, O. Safonova
duration: 0.5 days
location: WSLA/008
Most of the products that we encounter in daily life have been in contact with a catalyst at some point during their production. Also, catalysts play a dominant role in the production and conversion of energy and in environmental protection and cleanup. Design of new catalytic materials or improved catalytic processes depends on knowing the structure-activity relationship. Synchrotron- and neutron-based techniques play a paramount role in determining the structure-activity relationship under reaction conditions. Prerequisite is the determination of the structure of the catalyst under catalytically relevant conditions.
The workshop aims at providing an overview with state the state-of-the-art characterization of catalysts under working conditions. The workshop will include recent synchrotron- and neutron- based highlights in the direction of time, energy, and space resolution related to catalysis.