15–16 Sept 2011
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Soft Condensed Matter

Soft Condensed Matter

detailed program

organisation: J. Kohlbrecher

duration: 0.5 days

location: WSLA/108


Soft Matter is characterized by multi component mixtures, large ranges of length and time scales and many interacting degrees of freedom, leading to complex structures, phase behaviour and dynamics. This implies high sensitivity to external fields and ubiquitous and significant non-equilibrium phenomena.

The scope of the workshop includes:
ionic and quantum liquids, solutions and reaction dynamics, liquid crystals, polymers, polyelectrolytes, biopolymers, colloids, films, foams, surfactants, emulsions, aerosols, confined fluids, interfacial phenomena, supercooled liquids, glasses, gels, non-equilibrium systems, rheology, nanofluidics, membranes, biomaterials and their components will be addressed.