10–12 Oct 2016
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone


Session 2 Strongly correlated electrons

10 Oct 2016, 10:40
OSGA/EG06 (PSI Education Centre) (Paul Scherrer Institut)

OSGA/EG06 (PSI Education Centre)

Paul Scherrer Institut


Session 2 Strongly correlated electrons

  • Philipp Werner (University of Fribourg)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Masatoshi Imada (University of Tokyo)
10/10/2016, 10:40
Gabriel Lantz (ETH Zurich)
10/10/2016, 11:20
Hugo Strand (University of Fribourg)
10/10/2016, 11:40
Building timetable...