Jun 25 – 27, 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Keynote/Confirmed Speakers

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Limited single-day tickets for CHF 200/day are still available on request. Please send an email to dd-swissfel@leadxpro.com.

Henry Chapman (CFEL)

Christian Wiesmann (Novartis Pharma)

Gebhard Schertler (ETH Zurich/PSI)

Richard Neutze (University of Gothenburg)

Robert Cheng (leadXpro AG)

Jan Pieter Abrahams (University of Basel/PSI)

Vadim Cherezov (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)

Petra Fromme (Arizona State University)

Stephen Soisson (Merck & Co., Inc. West Point, PA, USA)

Allen Orville (MX - Diamond Light Source)

Javier Garcia Nafria (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)

Tobias Weinert (PSI)

Ji-Hye Lee (University of Korea)

Jim Kiefer (Genentech)

Rob Cooke (Heptares)

Thomas Braun (University of Basel)

Gustavo Santiso-Quinones (Crystallise! AG)

Bernd Schmitt (PSI)

Dominik Oberthuer (DESY)


Please download agenda under "Overview"