Oct 14 – 16, 2020
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we had to postpone the RD11 conference to the Fall of 2020.

New Date: October 14-16th, 2020.

The format will be completely virtual, and registration is now free of charge.

Registration for the virtual RD11 is now open again. If you already registered, there is no need to re-register.

Zoom Webinar Link: Click Here to Join

The Workshop will address the essential questions and challenges of radiation damage to biological samples during their examination with ionizing radiation. The workshop will cover various X-ray and electron scattering techniques, from crystallography to imaging, and offers ample opportunities for information exchange and discussion among researchers from around the globe.

Sessions will cover:

  1. Biological Studies Affected by Radiation Damage
  2. Practical Aspects of Reducing Radiation Damage at Synchrotrons
  3. Damage at New Sources - XFEL and 4th generation synchrotrons
  4. Radiation Damage in Complementary Fields (incl. CryoEM, ED, imaging)
Paul Scherrer Institut
Forschungsstrasse 111 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland