Participants are invited to submit their contribution to one of the following topics or related subjects:
- Preparation techniques for thin films, e.g., vacuum evaporation/condensation, sputtering, electrochemical deposition, powder distribution, rolling etc.
- Separation and chemical processing of stable and radioactive isotopes
- Preparation and characterization of high-purity and special materials
- Development of highly material-conservative methods of preparation
- Effects of contaminants
- Target and sample encapsulation
- Radiation and beam heating effects
- Targets for radionuclide production
- Liquid and Gas Targets
- Availability of isotopes
- Target and sample thicknesses from gas densities to kg/cm2
- Isotopically enriched and radioactive targets
- Beam charge strippers (foil, liquid, gas, plasma)
- Targets for special applications (medical, industrial, controlled fusion)
- High Power Targets for spallation neutron sources or meson production