
Proceedings of the INTDS2022

Conference proceedings will be published online, with open accessin in the European Physics Journal Web of Conferences. The contribution needs to be original, has not been formally published elsewhere and must not be under consideration by any other journal.


Any participant with an oral contribution given at INTDS2022 is eligible to submit a manuscript.

Articles should be written in English, should be more than a short report or an abstract and have to be fully in the scope of the journal.

The maximal length of the manuscript is 4 pages, for invited speakers 6 pages, both including references.

The editorial committee consists of three Guest Editors: Dorothea Schumann, Christelle Stodel and Matthew Gott. The submissions will be distributed between these three committee members in a way that independent and unbiased assignments are ensured. The guest editors are responsible that the papers are in accordance with the ethical standards as described at Papers, which do not comply with these standards, will be rejected.

Every manuscript will be reviewed by up to two referees. The editorial committee takes care that the reviewers are independent experts in the field, do not have any conflicts of interest and that the common ethical rules in peer-reviewing are obeyed. Since it is a blind review process, they ensure that the identities of the reviewers are not disclosed.

The corresponding author ensures that all contributors to the work were offered an authorship or an adequate acknowledgement and that all co-authors agree to the content. Asubmission confirmation form” and the “EPJ-WOC copyright agreement form” have to be filled and submitted at the latest when the paper is accepted. In case these two documents are missing, the manuscript will not be considered for publication.

Authors have the possibility to propose up to two potential reviewers and name two persons who should not be selected as reviewers (optional). A corresponding indication is foreseen on the submission confirmation form. The nomination of potential reviewers is not a guarantee that these persons are considered as reviewers.

Please submit your manuscript as WORD file to Use the given template and follow the instructions given by the journal.

Deadline for submission is 31.12.2022. However, the editorial committee is grateful for any submission before the deadline. The deadline will not be extended.