6–9 Dec 2022
FHNW/Paul Scherrer Institute
Europe/Zurich timezone

Presenter Guidelines

Poster format

A0, portrait (width 841 x height 1189 mm)
Please put up your poster in the "Lichthof" during the morning session on the day of your poster session. Poster walls will be marked with the abstract number of your poster contribution.

Pins will be available.

Because the conference will be hybrid, we cannot offer the possibility to present posters online. 


Oral presentations

Plenary speakers have a time slot of 40 min plus 10 min discussion; invited speakers have 25 min plus 5 min discussion and speakers with contributed talks have 15 min plus 5 min discussion.

All speakers are kindly requested to upload their talks at the podium before their session starts (please ask the chairperson). Please be on time to avoid delays in the schedule.


Virtual presentations

Participants presenting online will receive a link from the organizers before the conference starts. Please use the link to connect, follow the live broadcast and ask questions using the "Chat" section. We kindly ask you to type your questions, which will be asked by the chairperson at the end of the presentation. 

We plan to record all the sessions of the workshop, and to make them available online (this will require some processing time).