SciCatCon Meeting 2024



PSI OST Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232 Villigen PSI OST

Please announce your arrival at PSI OST. An access badge will be handed over to you at the reception by mentionning that you are participating in the SciCAT meeting. 


SciCatCon Meeting 2024 is the 3rd in-person Annual development workshop for the scientific metadata catalogue: Scicat. This meeting brings together users, administrators and developers of SciCat, from various institutions, to discuss current and new features of the catalogue. This year the meeting is held in Villigen, CH, by the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI).


Due to demand, we have introduced an online participation. If you wish to join online only select "I will join online only" on the registration form.


The meeting is in the following format:

  • Day 1 (online here):
    • Afternoon: Opening, features presentation and institution updates
  • Day 2 (online here):
    • Morning: User session, users feedback
    • Afternoon: Developers session 1
  • Day 3 (online here):
    • Early Morning: Developer session 2
    • Late Morning: OPEN, review and futures plan (available online and recorded)

If you are only interested in participating in one of the days please specify on the registration form. 

Registration Closes -14th Jun 2024.

Register here:
  • Alun Ashton
  • Carla Takahashi
  • Carlo Minotti
  • Caterina Barillari
  • Despina Adamopoulou
  • Emil Gunnarsson
  • Emiliya Poghosyan
  • Fredrik Eriksson
  • Ian Bush
  • Igor Khokhriakov
  • junjie quan
  • Laura Shemilt
  • Louise Davies
  • Marco Leorato
  • Martin Gasthuber
  • Massimiliano Novelli
  • Nick Crawford
  • Patrick Madela
  • Regina Hinzmann
  • Sofya Laskina
  • Spencer Edward Bliven
  • +19