PSI Lab Tour

On Friday, September 20th, there will be an optional tour of PSI. The tour will include the following points of interest:

HIPA-High Intensity Proton Accelerator

Cockraft Walton (Ion source and 810kV accelerator)

INJ-II and ring cyclotrons (50MHz/150MHz)

WLHA test area

SwissFEL test facility (C-Band)

Electronics lab (SLS-2 500 MHz LLRF/HIPA 50 MHz LLRF)

SLS-Swiss Light Source

Currently in "dark time" while the facility is being upgraded


Important information regarding the tour:

  • Please keep your passport or photo ID accessible
  • Flat, sturdy shoes (without high heels) should be worn
  • The tour will last approximately 90 minutes (not including a lunch break) and involves walking up and down stairs. If you may face a problem with such a tour, please let us know in advance.
  • PSI is located in Villigen, which is approximately 1 hr 45 mins away from Bern by public transit. If you choose not to return to Bern, you may store your bags in the meeting room at PSI during your visit.


If you or a member of the group:

  • is pregnant
  • is equipped with a pacemaker, defibrillator, electronic medicine despenser, hearing aid or metal implant
  • has reduced mobility

please notify us as visiting some of the areas may be inadvisable or prohibited.