15–16 Sept 2011
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Quantitativeness and Projection Processing for X-ray Ptychographic Nanotomography

15 Sept 2011, 13:31
WSLA - Foyer (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland)

WSLA - Foyer

Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland

Board: 21
Poster Poster Session I (Thursday) Poster session I and lunch


Dr Manuel Guizar-Sicairos (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Ptychographic nanotomography is a recently developed technique for which the imaging of tomographic projections relies on simultaneous phasing of multiple diffraction patterns, exploiting the accuracy of iterative phase retrieval to recover the phase of the sample for a given orientation. After tomographic reconstruction we obtain a quantitative and high-resolution map of the sample electron density. A capability currently in use for the study of cement pastes, carbon fibers, bio-nanoporous systems and bone-disease research. Here we present robust algorithms developed for alignment and processing of projections, and a method for tomographic reconstruction from wrapped phase. Advances that have significantly increased the success rate of data processing and allowed us to establish ptychographic tomography as a standard technique at cSAXS. We will further present experimental characterization of the sensitivity and accuracy in determining electron density. For this purpose we have measured a homogeneous test sample of known composition and density and investigated the compromise between resolution and sensitivity for this technique.

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Primary author

Dr Manuel Guizar-Sicairos (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Dr Ana Diaz (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Andreas Menzel (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Mirko Holler (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Oliver Bunk (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Pavel Trtik (EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)

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