May 6 – 8, 2018
US/East-Indiana timezone

Scientific program

Workshop opening/closing time
• The main workshop program will start on Monday, 7th May at 8:30 am and will close on Tuesday, 8th May at 4:00 pm.
• The XRPD refreshers will start on Sunday, 6th May at 2:00 pm and will be followed by a welcome and networking reception at 6:30 pm.

Session List
The following sessions will take place during the SPS-XRPD workshop:
• From laboratory to synchrotron XRPD
• Total Scattering and Pair Distribution Function: an Overview
• Pair distribution function & Industry
• In-situ and operando S-XRPD
• Amorphous drugs
• Intellectual Property & industry
• Beamline overview
• Database, software and industry support
• Laboratory vs Synchrotron XRPD for PDF analyses

List of contributions
Here you'll find the the most up-to-date list of contributions. Please watch this webpage for forthcoming updates to the program. The final schedule will be uploaded a week before the workshop.
A detailed description of the XRPD refreshers is available here.
We look forward to welcoming you at the SPS-XRPD workshop soon!