The Spring Pharmaceutical Synchrotron-XRPD (SPS-XRPD) workshop is jointly organized by the Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA and Excelsus Structural Solutions, a spin-off company of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland:

Scope of the workshop
Scope of the workshop
Scope of the workshop is to bring together experts from the Pharmaceutical Industry and Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction community to discuss both current challenges in Pharmaceutical Research & Development, and latest opportunities offered by Synchrotron-XRPD instruments and methods with the purpose of freely debating open questions and foster fruitful exchanges of ideas.
SPS-XRPD 2018 workshop is the first of a series of meetings that will be held every year aiming to regularly inform the pharmaceutical industry on new advanced available analytical tools and methodology involving synchrotron radiation and related techniques to address problems that conventional laboratory instrumentation cannot address. The Fall Pharmaceutical Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction workshop will be held in Europe in 2019.
Who should attend?
SPS-XRPD 2018 workshop is the first of a series of meetings that will be held every year aiming to regularly inform the pharmaceutical industry on new advanced available analytical tools and methodology involving synchrotron radiation and related techniques to address problems that conventional laboratory instrumentation cannot address. The Fall Pharmaceutical Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction workshop will be held in Europe in 2019.
Who should attend?
- Researchers from the pharmaceutical industry wishing to (i) understand the benefits of adding innovative SR-XRPD characterization techniques to their analytical toolbox; (ii) profit from the experience of peers already using synchrotron radiation to go beyond laboratory source capabilities (iii) meet SR-XPRD experts to discuss about the possibility to solve particular drug development issues with SR-XRPD
- IP attorneys and lawyers involved in patent litigation for pharmaceuticals and regulatory affairs specialists, willing to understand how SR-XRPD can be employed to solve intellectual property issues
- Academic researchers working in the synthesis and characterization of organic/pharmaceutical compounds wishing to share recent progress made thanks to SR-XPRD.
- Beamline scientists and researchers linked to the synchrotron community or developing software/instrumentation/analytical methods, willing to share their experience and recent progress on data collection for pharmaceutical systems.
The potential of X-Ray Powder Diffraction for Pharmaceutical R&D
X-Ray Powder Diffraction using synchrotron radiation has an enormous potential for applications in pharmaceutical Research & Development as well as Quality Control, and the workshop aims at promoting awareness of such a powerful analytical tool by the pharmaceutical industrial community.
Phase identification of complex compounds, stability studies, structural characterization, accurate quantification of crystalline phases and trace analysis in drug substances and products will be extensively discussed, also in connection with intellectual property issues.
Special Sessions
A special session will be dedicated entirely to the application of the emerging Pair Distribution Function method to the structural characterization and quantification of amorphous and nano-crystalline solid formulations, a field of increasing interest over the recent years.
On May 6th afternoon, a complimentary "XRPD refreshers" session on X-Ray Powder Diffraction and advantages of using synchrotron radiation will be offered to industrial participants who might not be familiar with the technique so to make the 2-days workshop more fruitful.
Furthermore, on May 7th evening, a special "meet-the-experts" session will be organized, during which potential industrial customers are given the opportunity to discuss specific problems of interest with synchrotron XRPD experts. You will be requested to reserve a slot in advance. A CDA can be negotiated before the workshop.
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