Anisha Patel
(Bristol-Myers Squibb)
07/05/2018, 15:10
Monday, May 7th Afternoon (Day 1 Workshop)
Small molecule APIs can exist in a variety of distinct solid-state forms with drastically different physicochemical properties. During development of these APIs, many factors are considered during form selection, such as stability, manufacturability, bioavailability, and intellectual property. If solid-state changes are observed during development, these selection factors can be negatively...
Lynne Taylor
(Purdue University)
07/05/2018, 15:35
Monday, May 7th Afternoon (Day 1 Workshop)
Valeri Petkov
(Dept. Physics, Central Michigan university)
07/05/2018, 16:00
Monday, May 7th Afternoon (Day 1 Workshop)
Pharmaceutical industry is entering a new era in drugs development involving a transformation from crystalline to non-crystalline drug formulations. The driving force of the transformation is the largely improved bioavailability of the latter in comparison to the former. Non-crystalline drugs, however, are both an opportunity and challenge for pharmaceutical research and development (R&D). In...