26–28 Oct 2020
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

Photon diagnostic developments at the Athos and Aramis beamlines of SwissFEL

26 Oct 2020, 10:00


Oral presentation Facilities Overview Facility Overview 1


Christopher Arrell


With the first lasing of Athos (the soft X-ray branch of SwissFEL) in December 2019, SwissFEL is now operating two FELs in parallel. Whereas at the hard X-ray branch (Aramis) we are now mainly focusing on further developing the experimental infrastructure as well as setting up and performing user experiments, at Athos a constant progress of the beamline commissioning and the construction of endstations takes place.

In this talk, we will present the developments of X-ray photon diagnostic tools. We will highlight the facility achievements with specific focus given to spectral and temporal diagnostics of the ultrashort x-ray pulse that are required on the one hand to optimize the accelerator, on the other to provide optimum conditions for the user experiments scheduled at the beamlines. Finally, we will discuss our plans for future developments of these tools for both, Athos and Aramis.

Primary authors

Andre Al Haddad (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Christian David (Paul Scherrer Institut) Christian Erny Christoph Bostedt Christopher Arrell Christopher Milne (Paul Scherrer Institut) Claudio Cirelli Dr Cristian Svetina (Paul Scherrer Institut) Eduard Prat Costa (Paul Scherrer Institut) Elia Razzoli (Paul Scherrer Institute) Eugenio Ferrari Gregor Knopp (Paul Scherrer Institut) Henrik Till Lemke Ivan Usov Jens Konstantin Rehanek (Paul-Scherrer-Institute) Mr Jonas Knurr Kirsten Andrea Schnorr Luc Patthey (Paul Scherrer Institut) Mathias Sander (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Paul Beaud (Paul Scherrer Institut) Pavle Juranic (Paul Scherrer Institut) Philip Johnson Rasmus Ischebeck (Paul Scherrer Institut) Rolf Follath Roman Mankowsky Dr Serhane Zerdane Simona Bettoni (Paul Scherrer Institut) Sven Augustin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Sven Reiche (Paul Scherrer Institut) Ulrich Hilmar Wagner (Paul Scherrer Institut) Wojciech Blachucki (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences) Yunieski Arbelo Pena Yunpei Deng (PSI) Zhibin Sun (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

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