Oct 26 – 28, 2020
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

FELs of Europe Award

FELs of Europe Award on Photon Transport and Diagnostics
The Scientific Committee of the workshop is presently soliciting nominations for the FELs of Europe Award on Photon Transport and Diagnostics.
Details on the application procedure and information required are given below.
Nominations are to be received by email by 13 September 2020 at the latest.
The prize is awarded in recognition of a distinguishing contribution in the area of free electron laser photon diagnostics, photon transport, and beamline developments as well as FEL instrumentation development in its broadest sense. FEL instrumentation developments are often long term achievements, yet the work for which the team or individual is nominated must be such that a significant component of it was performed or substantial progress achieved during the period 3 years prior to the award. The award is accompanied by a certificate, and a monetary sum of 1000 Euros.
The Prize Ceremony and Lecture will be highlights of the PhotonDiag2020.
 Nominations must include:
.        A cover letter provided by the nominator with proposed citation
.        Nominee CV(s)
.        A list of publications covering the last five years.
.        Up to two letters of endorsement of the nomination.

 Nomination should be sent to: Gregor Knopp


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