Facility Overview 1
- Pavle Juranic (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Session 1
The precise synchronization between the optical laser and the FEL is of importance for the ultrafast pump-probe experiments. For this purpose, two techniques have been developed at SACLA. One is arrival timing monitors for the hard and the soft X-ray FEL beamlines, which have ~4 fs temporal resolution. The other is a new synchronization system, which consists of a mode-locked oscillator...
PAL-XFEL first started supporting regular user experiments in mid 2017, and total 6 instruments are currently operating at two hard X-ray (XSS: X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopy and NCI: Nano Crystallography and Imaging) and one soft X-ray (SSS: Soft X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopy) beamlines. The HX beamline provides more than 1011 photons/pulse in the range from 2.2 to 15 keV with maximum...
With the first lasing of Athos (the soft X-ray branch of SwissFEL) in December 2019, SwissFEL is now operating two FELs in parallel. Whereas at the hard X-ray branch (Aramis) we are now mainly focusing on further developing the experimental infrastructure as well as setting up and performing user experiments, at Athos a constant progress of the beamline commissioning and the construction of...