Temporal Diagnostics 1
- Christian Erny
Session 2
Timing jitter is a major issue in many pump-probe X-ray FEL experiments. Current implementations of single-shot timing diagnostic tools are based either on X-ray induced changes of the optical properties of solid-state materials, or on the modulation of X-ray generated photoelectron energies via strong field interactions. These methods nearly always rely on nonlinear processes to generate...
We present a Terahertz (THz) field driven streak camera [1] with the capability to deliver the XUV pulse duration and the arrival time information with < 10 fs resolution for each single XUV FEL pulse at FLASH. Pulse durations between ~350 fs and ~10 fs (FWHM) have been measured for different FLASH FEL settings [2]. In particular the arrival time analysis showed the precision with which FLASH...
In this contribution a new concept for deriving arrivaltime, pulse duration and potentially also the pulse energy of individual XUV/X-ray pulses is presented. The concept is based on the analysis of THz bursts generated by the XUV/X-ray pulses in a novel type of spintronic THz emitter. Note only the arrivaltime jitter but also the duration of the XUV/X-ray pulses can be derived from...