Photon Diagnostics Requirements for new Experimental Methods
- Gregor Knopp (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Session 11
THz sources at FLASH utilize spent electron beam from an soft X-ray FEL to generate very intense (up to 150µJ), tunable frequency (1-300THz) and ultrafast narrow-band (~10%) THz pulses, which are naturally synchronized to soft X-ray pulses. This unique combination allows for wide range of element specific pump-probe experiments in physics, material science and biology.
THz pulses are...
The development of isolated attosecond pulses (IAP) with the free-electron laser at LCLS called for a high-resolution, single-shot diagnostic method. In this talk I will discuss the use of angular streaking to characterize IAPs. An IAP with sufficiently high photon energy will ionize an atomic system to produce photoelectrons. In the presence of the IR field, the energy of the ionized...
A major upgrade of the LCLS facility, the LCLS-II project, is now underway. LCLS-II is being developed as a high-repetition rate X-ray laser with two simultaneously operating, independently tunable FELs. It features a 4 GeV continuous wave superconducting linac that is capable of producing uniformly spaced (or programmable) ultrafast X-ray laser pulses at a repetition rate up to 1 MHz spanning...