9–12 May 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Facts and figures on S2C2 ion source: experimental characterization and extrapolated results for application in PT

11 May 2012, 15:40
Auditorium (PSI)



Talk Technology


Mr Sébastien Henrotin (IBA)


IBA will equip its new superconducting synchrocyclotron (S2C2) with an internal PIG ion source. This choice is motivated by the source compactness, simplicity and cost but is not easy to implement in the present case. As an example, the high magnetic field and central region turn pattern imply the use an extremely thin chimney. Therefore, experimental design validation and testing is currently under progress on a dedicated test bench at AIMA-Developpement (Nice, France). The main characteristics of the source, such as its dynamic range, noise, lifetime, stability of the extracted beam have been obtained and are detailed in this communication. This characterization also includes a statistical approach of the source behavior. The discussion will finally present how these results can be used to simulate the source performance in the context of the treatment modalities of the ProteusOne system.
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Primary author

Mr Sébastien Henrotin (IBA)


Mr Bruno Torremans (IBA) Mr Fabrice Salicis (IBA) Mr Jérôme Mandrillon (IBA) Mr Patrick Verbruggen (IBA) Mr Pierre Mandrillon (IBA) Mr Yves Claereboudt (IBA) Mr Yves Jongen (IBA)

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