May 9 – 12, 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Travel Information

How to get to the Paul Scherrer Institute

PSI is located in northern Switzerland, approximately midway between Zürich and Basel. The nearest towns and railway stations are Baden and Brugg. Frequent air and train connections via Zürich or Basel are available from all major European cities.

By public transport:

Brugg is on the train line (Zürich–Basel, Zürich–Bern). You can take a public bus (Postauto) from Brugg railway station. Take the Brugg–Villigen PSI–Böttstein–Döttingen bus, and within 20 minutes you will arrive at PSI.

From Zürich Airport

There is an SBB railway station at the International Airport at Zürich-Kloten. Take the train to Brugg and a public bus (Postauto) from Brugg railway station to Villigen PSI (or further to the Hotel Schloss Böttstein).

From Basel EuroAirport

From Basel EuroAirport, the bus line 50 will bring you to the railway station in Basel. From there you can take a direct train to Brugg and a public bus (Postauto) from Brugg railway station to Villigen PSI (or further to the Hotel Schloss Böttstein).

Bus timetables: Brugg - PSI / Böttstein - PSI (pdf download)

By car

PSI can be reached from Brugg or Baden as directed:

Via Brugg:

  • Follow the Koblenz–Zurzach signs through Brugg
  • After passing through Lauffohr and a short hill, branch off to the left towards Remigen/Villigen
  • After about 300 m turn right towards Villigen
  • Approximately 1 km after leaving Villigen you will reach PSI-West. (You can drive to PSI-East via the bridge over the river Aare)

Via Baden:

  • Follow the Koblenz–Zurzach signs through Baden
  • Drive through Nussbaumen, Untersiggenthal and Station Siggenthal
  • After Station Siggenthal there are two roundabouts. At the second roundabout turn left to reach PSI-East. (You can drive to PSI-West via the bridge over the river Aare)

Directions to PSI (pdf download)

The Swiss Travel System

For train and bus schedules and to buy tickets in advance, please consult SBB (Swiss Railway)

Guests from outside Switzerland can simply buy a "Swiss Transfer Ticket" which allows you to transfer from the Swiss Airport of arrival/departure to your preferred destination and back. If you intend on travelling within Switzerland for a few days either before or after the Workshop, then the "Swiss Flexi Pass" may be a good option. It grants the holder unlimited access to the entire Swiss Rail network for a given number of days (which do not necessarily have to be consecutive). For further information, please take a look at the Swiss Travel System Website.