The Industrial Exhibition will take place from Thursday, 10th to Friday, 11th May 2012. By organizing such an exhibition in parallel to the scientific program, the ECPM organizers intend to promote and stimulate interaction between the participants and vendors/companies, which are supporting advanced accelerator components in the fields of RF-technology, power supplies, magnet design, beam diagnostics, digital and analog electronics, data acquisition, computer hardware and software, optics and image processing as well as vacuum technology and mechanical engineering.
For the 2-day period, space will be arranged in the foyer of the Workshop venue, where poster sessions and coffee breaks will take place. With this arrangement, we would like to give you the opportunity to meet the right costumers and to present your products and latest innovations in a prominent location.
The following package is offered:
- a 2 m x 3 m exhibitor booth in the foyer of the conference center (Thursday and Friday)
- to have logo and link to the exhibitor’s web-address on ECPM 2012 dedicated web-page
- to have your logo on the workshop’s agenda leaflet
- participation at the welcome reception (Wednesday) and PSI visit (Thursday)
- coffee breaks and lunches (Thursday and Friday) and banquet ticket for 1 person (Friday)
Should you wish to extend your support of the ECPM 2012 as a sponsor, we offer the following advertising possibilities:
- sponsoring of coffee breaks
- sponsoring of the welcome reception in the conference foyer
- sponsoring of the aperitif preceding the workshop banquet
- sponsoring of wine at the workshop banquet
- sponsoring of pens, writing pads and other gadgets with sponsor logo
- sponsoring of a fellowship for a young scientist. Young scientists can apply for a fellowship on the ECPM 2012 web-page.
If you are interested in participating in the ECPM 2012 as an Industrial Exhibitor or Sponsor, please e-mail or fax the attached registration form to Joachim Grillenberger, possibly no later than February 17th, 2012. All requests will be acknowledged.
Industrial Exhibition Manager
Joachim Grillenberger
Phone: +41 56 310 46 23
Fax: +41 56 310 33 83
[Industrial Exhibition Registration Form] (pdf, 41KiB)