9–12 May 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

The C70 ARRONAX cyclotron hands-on phase status

11 May 2012, 09:00
Auditorium (PSI)




Dr freddy Poirier (Subatech - Arronax)


The C70 ARRONAX is a 350 E-6 A intensity and 70 MeV energy multi-particle cyclotron aiming at R&D on material and radiolysis, and production of radioisotopes. The machine began its hands-on phase in December 2010 and the operating and maintenance group is accumulating experience on this machine. A review of the machine status and present possibilities in terms of beam capacities is thus presented. The status of the beamlines adaptation undergone is given as well as the simulations updates. As beamlines adaptation, the energy degrader installation update and alpha pulsing results are detailed. This status includes the diagnostics in development.
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Primary author

Dr freddy Poirier (Subatech - Arronax)

Presentation materials