9–12 May 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Proton beam time structure of HZB cyclotron

11 May 2012, 12:10
Auditorium (PSI)




Mr Christoph Kunert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)


The isochronous cyclotron at HZB is mainly used for providing a proton beam of 68MeV for the eye tumor therapy, which is conducted in cooperation with the Charité Berlin. The existing possibilities to produce a time structured beam, as well as the in-house developed testing instrumentation, will be shown in this poster. Our accelerating facility can generate pulse structures of a high variability; from single pulses of 1ns at a maximum repetition rate of 75kHz to pulse packets with a length up to 100µs or a quasi-DC-beam exists a wide range of possible proton beam structures. A proton beam with a temporal structure can be used for several applications and experiments. One example is the producing of pulsed neutron radiation for dosimetry.
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Primary author

Mr Christoph Kunert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)

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