Aug 22 – 26, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Invited lecturers 

Federica Bertolotti Universita`dell’Insubria & To.Sca.Lab. , Como, Italy
Nicola Casati Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Radovan Cerny University of Geneva, Switzerland
Antonio Cervellino Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Mauro Coduri ESRF, Grenoble, France
Michael Evans Bruker AXS GmbH, Germany
Tom Fennell Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Ruggero Frison University of Zurich, Switzerland
Simona Galli Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy 
Fabia Gozzo Excelsus Structural Solutions S.P.R.L., Belgium
Antonietta Guagliardi  CNR-IC & To.Sca.Lab., Como, Italy 
Matteo Leoni University of Trento, Italy
Lynne McCusker ETH Zurich, Switzerland 
Steven Van Petegem         Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Philip Willmott Paul Scherrer Institute & University of Zurich, Switzerland