Aug 22 – 26, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Accommodation - Hotels and B&B

Hotels and B&Bs

Early booking of your accommodation is strongly recommended.

You are kindly requested to book and pay the accommodation yourself.

A number of rooms is blocked for the Powder Diffraction School attendees on a first-come, first-served basis until 21 July 2016.

B&B Weingut Schödler, Villigen
2 singles CHF 70 
2 doubles CHF 120
Shared bathroom in the hallway | shared living room & balcony
Prices per night incl. breakfast
State booking reference "PDS 2016"

Hotel Restaurant Hirschen, Villigen

3 singles | ensuite bathrooms | CHF 100
2 singles | shared bathroom | CHF 90
4 doubles | ensuite bathrooms | CHF 180
1 family room with ensuite bathroom | for up to 5  people | from CHF 250
Prices per night incl. breakfast
State booking reference "PDS 2016"

Hotel Schloss Böttstein (3 minutes by bus from PSI West)

10 rooms | ensuite bathrooms
Doubles for single use CHF 110
Doubles CHF 195
Prices per night incl. breakfast

State booking reference "PDS 2016"

Click here for a list of more hotels & guesthouses in the area.

Shared accommodation is available for PhD & undergraduate students in the PSI Guesthouse (see this link).