Aug 22 – 26, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
<span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong></span></strong>

Registration fee

Registration fee includes

- Access to the school and experimental sessions
- Welcome reception on 22 August
- Refreshments during designated breaks
- Lunches on 22 - 26 August
- Dinner on 25 August
- School materials

Registration fee (Your registration will be valid once payment is received)

~ € 410 / CHF 450 for undergraduate & PhD students
~ € 500 / CHF 550 for postdoctoral fellows, staff scientists and others

Recipients of the IUCr Young Scientist Award will be granted a 50 % reduction on the registration fee.
Payment instructions for the reduced registration fee will be advised by latest 20 June 2016.

Registration deadline: 31 July 2016

Please take note of the cancellation policy.


You will receive a confirmation by email with a credit card payment link (preferred payment method) after successful application of your registration.

If you cannot pay by credit card, please transfer the registration fee by bank transfer (all charges to be paid by the registrant). For the payment instructions please click here.

PSI in-house attendees

Please do NOT pay by credit card or bank transfer (to avoid unnecessary charges).

Your lab secretary will be contacted for the internal rebooking of your registration fee to the PSP 5204.60000.168.01.