Aug 22 – 26, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
<span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong></span></strong>


Registration Form

Opened Aug 29, 2016
Closed Aug 30, 2016

To ensure effective pratcical sessions the number of participants is limited to just 40 attendees. Participants will be accepted in order of receipt of their registration. Registration will close as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached, or by latest 31 July midnight. Based on the experience from the last edition of this school, we strongly recommend early registration and booking of your accommodation. _______________ Important: - Your registration is valid once payment is received (exception: recepients of the IUCr Young Scientist Award). - For local accommodation bookings please use the link in the left hand menu hotels and B&B. - Reservations at the PSI guesthouse for PhD and undergraduate students have to be made via the registration form. - Accommodation is not included in the registration fee. - Cancellation fees apply as stated in the terms and conditions.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.