17–21 Nov 2024
Congress Kursaal Interlaken
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Practical information about Switzerland


Strandbadstrasse 44
3800 Interlaken

Tourist Board

Interlaken Tourist Board

Public transport  in Switzerland

SBB app is also available for Android and Apple smartphones.

Local weather in Interlaken



Swiss Francs (CHF)


Tap water is drinkable.


Voltage 230 V

Socket format = Type J

Time zone

GMT/+1 hour

Emergency number


VAT and tipping

Tips in bars and restaurants are already included in the bill. Anything extra is of course appreciated by the personnel. It is not uncommon to round up your bill. All prices in shops include the value added tax (MwSt, which is 8.1%). 

Hours of Business

Most shops are open until 6-8 pm. Bars and pubs close around 11 pm–3 am on weekends, but earlier on weekdays. 

Telephone country code
