Nov 17 – 21, 2024
Congress Kursaal Interlaken
Europe/Zurich timezone
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During the conference

Thank you for registrering the 20th International Conference on Retinal Proteins, which will take place in Interlaken, Switzerland, 17-21 November 2024.

You can find the timetable and the scientific program here. The conference will feature 14 scientific sessions, over 50 talks, 4 keynote talks, and more than 80 posters.

Please take a moment to read the subpages relevant to your role(s).

Cloakroom at venue– There is a cloakroom at the venue, where you can hang coats, umbrellas etc. but it is not supervised. 

No childcare– There is no childcare available, so you must arrange this yourself as children will not be allowed into the conference.

Other non-scientific participant– If you wish to bring along a partner to attend the lunches, excursion and conference dinner but no scientific talks, then they must register and pay here.

No registration/payment -no admittance. This is to be fair to those who have paid. 

We look forward to having a wonderful conference with you.